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Love, Hate, and Evil

17:43 Feb 02 2008
Times Read: 716

Love is a topic I'm a little hesitant to touch, because simply put, I do not believe I have ever known or felt it. Therefore, I must say beforehand that my comments on the subject are purely based on what I perceive love to be.

I admit that anyone who has felt love of any kind is likely more qualified than I to comment on the topic, and I would be very interested in learning from those who disagree with my views.

So, why would I comment on something that admittedly has no presence in my life? Well, to see what you think, of course (and sometimes an outsider's point of view can be valuable, you know!).

Based on what I have witnessed in my (admittedly young) life, love to me appears to be more than a feeling or emotion. It's almost a magical power that can change one or more lives. It can endure anything and make incredible things possible. Love may very well be the strongest force in the world.

I have a hard time believing that our bodies - flesh, blood, and bones - would be capable of developing such magic. And the key word is "magic".

I believe love is created and housed by our soul, and that once there, it does not leave us. After all, once something so powerful and magical is developed inside of your very being, how would it escape you?

I am well aware of the ridiculously high divorce rate during these modern times. It is common knowledge that those who choose to marry rarely make to their golden years together. That being said, does this mean that every couple who does not live happily ever after were never in love with each other to begin with?

Yes, I believe it does. A harsh statement, perhaps, but as I expressed before, I cannot understand how a person could lose a powerful force such as love - a force controlled by the soul - after it is already present inside of them.

So what does it say about the world when the strong majority of marriages and relationships crumble? Add that to the fact that we have parents abusing and abandoning their children (and my view on that is if a parent does not love their child before birth, they simply never will. This may seem cruel, but I do not believe that kind of love can develop if not present beforehand) and families everywhere committing violent or selfish acts toward one another?

It says our world is in bad shape, that's what. I wish I had an answer as to why real love is so rare these days, but I don't.

Perhaps this is meant to be. There is a theory that the resurrection of Jesus Christ may take place inside the mind (and soul?) of every human being in the world. Is it possible that we are living the Apocalypse at this very moment and that Christ will rise to save us?

Please understand that it is not my intent to offend anyone with these suggestions. I have made no secret throughout the duration of this article that there is a very good chance I don't have any idea what I'm talking about - which is the purpose of this piece, really, to receive feedback and possibly learn more about love and what it is. If you yourself feel love, there may be much I can discover from you.

As with many things, there is a dark side to the soul. In my view, this would be evil.

I believe the same characteristics which apply to love can also be prescribed to evil - that being a supernatural force inside the soul which is contained permanently. In essence, I feel love and evil are opposites to one another.

I do not believe that evil human beings can become decent individuals. I do, however, feel that "bad" people can change - those exhibiting traits such as selfishness, ignorance, or anger - if they have the desire and will to do so (unfortunately, however, it appears most do not). But if evil is indeed a dark force that consumes your soul, I truly believe there is just no changing that.

There are two actions which I would classify as evil: harming a child (which in my personal opinion is the absolute worst and most despicable thing any person can do) or any repeated violent act toward a living thing for the purpose of pleasure. I feel there are only two ways to deal with those who commit these atrocities: utilizing the death penalty and imposing life imprisonment. I am completely opposed to these individuals being allowed back into the free world in any way, as I feel they pose a constant threat and can never change.

Now we arrive at the topic of hate. I do not believe hate is a soul-consuming force, but a very dangerous mental condition, one capable of tearing a person's life apart if allowed to do so. I feel hate can be vanquished - whether it be through a doctor or your own method of self-cleansing - but that it is crucial to address the problem before serious damage has been imposed.

I appreciate your taking the time to read this. As always, I welcome all comments.

Take Care,





The Apocalypse

17:42 Feb 02 2008
Times Read: 717

In many ways, the Apocalypse is the center of my world. I love to speculate and share ideas regarding Armageddon: Who vs. Who, when it will occur, etc. The first of my two favorite theories requires a bit of a backstory.

I don't think it would be a shock to anyone if I were to say that the people running our world keep secrets from us. Regardless of where you reside at this moment, do you REALLY trust your government? I'm guessing your answer to that would be of the negative persuasion. And for good reason. Our governments have given us absolutely no reason whatsoever to place our faith in them. They cheat and lie to us, all the while attempting to uphold an almost phony image of righteousness and morality.

But I believe the situation is even worse than we can imagine.

It all goes back to the events of 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, after government officials provided the general public with an obvious cover-up story about a weather balloon crashing in the New Mexico desert. This occurred following the front page of the previous day's Roswell newspaper announcing the "weather balloon" as the finding of an alien spacecraft. Even today, few people are willing to accept this weak explanation of the military's backpeddling regarding their mysterious discovery.

I believe the Roswell incident is the proof positive point of government officials' willingness to keep things from the rest of society. It is enough to cause any rational-thinking person to question what else those in control may be hiding.

I may as well tell you that I also believe governments - all governments - are very aware of all things paranormal and supernatural in the world, in addition to being neck-deep into the occult. With all of these powerful forces out there and available to anyone, do you honestly believe those in charge are not using them to their full advantage?

In any case, I think most of us will agree that our governments are certainly not above keeping things from us. The question is just how much is being kept. And I feel the worst has yet to be exposed.

All around the world, people are dying from diseases in which modern medicine claims there are no cures. Illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, diabetes, and so many others are ravaging people's bodies and taking their lives.

Ask yourself this question: Do you sincerely believe that after all the years of research and the billions of dollars having been put into discovering remedies for these diseases that nothing useful has been discovered?

I refuse to believe that. I feel there are cures for nearly every single deadly disease on the planet (if not all maladies). I believe this because the chances of these treatments not existing are simply too remote, for the reasons I just stated.

So why would the world's governments be content to sit back and allow people to suffer and die from these illnesses if cures are ready and available?

I'll give you two hints: It's paper and you carry it in your wallet.

If these remedies were to be introduced to society, every person afflicted with a serious diseases who is spending money on pain medications and similar drugs would have no need for these things anymore. And governments would lose all of the money they are raking in due to the suffering of these people.

A harsh accusation? Perhaps, but I feel it is a justified one. I put absolutely nothing below the government, and feel that anyone who trusts them is being very naive and foolish.

If indeed high-ranking government officials are keeping all of this crucial information from us, the question remains as to how long they plan to do so. Which is where my Apocolyptic theory comes in.

I do not believe our governments will release these facts to us on their own accord. They will need to be discovered and exposed from an outside source - and when they are, I anticipate that this world will riot.

If such a scenario becomes reality, the foundation of our society will be destroyed. Imagine the world rebelling against those governing it - it's a situation with the potential to breed so many destructive consequences.

If the members of our governments feel threatened, I sincerely doubt they would hesitate to employ the occult and supernatural resources I spoke of earlier. And, of course, I expect those on the opposing side would counter in kind. In addition, many government employees who were unaware of their bosses' little secrets will likely be devastated and desire revenge. I can also envision unintroduced technology playing a major role in this war.

Consider all of the elements I have discussed here - society rebelling against those managing it ... important individuals switching sides ... the supernatural and occult ... unprecedented and destructive technology ... certainly a recipe for one giant disaster.

Obviously, the best thing those in power can do is simply come clean regarding their contrivances. As for an explanation for the delay in revealing these things to the public, I'm sure they can figure something out. After all, they're the government - lying is their job!

Of course, I don't expect the individuals controlling our world to admit to their cover-ups. If or when this information is released, I believe it will have to be the hard way, as sad as that is.

Despite everything I have written here, I am certainly not a terrorist-minded individual who condones actions such as sending Anthrax-powdered letters through the mail and bombing government buildings. To be honest, I feel people who commit these crimes are cowards and no better than those they are opposing. Besides, murdering a high-ranking government official is pointless and accomplishes nothing, because that person will simply be replaced by a like-minded individual.

It is said that at some point Jesus Christ will rise once again. When - and possibly even how - this will occur is still a matter of debate. Even if my theory on Armageddon is correct, there is no guarantee this is when He will arrive. On that note, I present to you Apocolyptic Theory Number Two:

Simply put, THIS is Armageddon. We are living the Apocalypse at this very moment. It's pretty obvious that our world is in terrible shape and getting worse by the year. Crime is at an all-time high and love has, in many respects, been put on the backburner.

Could it be that Christ is simply waiting until we hit "rock bottom" to act (and it's scary to think that we haven't reached that point yet)? Must society deteriorate even more before He will arrive? Is there a way to prevent things from becoming worse?

I read a great theory once regarding the return of Christ. The author suggested that His resurrection may not be physical, but that He will rise inside the minds of every human being in the world, changing the mental and spiritual dispositions of every single person in the process. A sensible scenario, considering love has seemingly been replaced by greed, selfishness, and evil over the last few decades.

I have heard speculation that the Pope is aware of when the Apocalypse will occur, but it is not his place to reveal this information. Personally, I'd prefer not to know, anyway. Becoming cognizant of the exact date of the world's possible demise doesn't sound too appealing to me. Besides, I cannot envision Armageddon arriving without warning signs of some sort.

The Apocalypse - a topic which will continue to be discussed, debated, and speculated upon until the day Armageddon itself should arrive.



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